Chikawa"Chiikawa" is a manga from SNS drawn by Illustrator Nagano, a popular illustrator Nagano with a unique world view in a loose illustration.
Nagano CharactersChikawa, Nagano's bear, MOGUMOGU Eating and Walking, and the unique worldview in loose illustrations are popular on SNS.
mofusand"Mofusand" is a very cute and slightly surreal.
Koupen -chan"Koupen -chan" is a kotay penguin -chan who affirms the trivial things of everyday life.
Cute lie otterThe otter who is good at making cute lies will have a good time with the good duck and Okojo -kun.
White tiger and black tigerWhite Tiger who is longing for a cool and strong tiger, black tiger.
I started dinosaursA work depicting the soft and warm life of people living in Cretaceous Town, a city where dinosaurs live and small dinosaurs.
FunassyiLocal character living in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture (Unofficial Funabashi City)
Sukeroku everyday lifeIt's a little sloppy, but it's a cute and gentle hamster, and the everyday life that your friends spend.
Queue riceThere are a lot of unique characters that are unfortunate, such as "catonohy", "Skill rabbit", "rat", and "sad bear", but some cute and unable to look!
Raccoon and foxA little bit of a fox and a little fox. The two living in the mountains are very good friends.