Privacy Policy

The Company (including the person in charge of business partners) and the recruitment applicant (hereinafter referred to as "related individuals") is the following "" This Policy "(hereinafter referred to as the" This Policies "as follows. (), And handle personal information properly based on this policy. In some services, the service -specific privacy policy may be determined, and if there is inconsistent with this policy, the service -specific privacy policy is applied with priority.
The terms used in this policy shall be compliant with the Act on Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Law").

1. Business information

Gray Parker Service Co., Ltd.
1-6-11 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo New River Tower 7th floor
Representative Director Koji aspiring

2. acquisition of personal information

The Company will obtain the following personal information for individuals, rather than the information provided by the person or a third party.

  1. Confirmation of the person and information regarding identity
    1. Information on personal name, address, postal code, gender, date of birth, phone number, fax number, email address, personal number (individual business owner only), etc.
    2. Information on the name, location, department, telephone number, fax number, email address, etc.
    3. ID and password of various accounts, SNS account information, information on public certificates, etc.
    4. Information required based on other laws and regulations that should be complied with
  2. Information about transactions (customers only)
    1. Purchase history and information on transactions, etc.
    2. Information on payment methods, etc.
  3. Information acquired when using our website
    Usage status of online identifiers such as cookies (cookie) ID, terminal information, location information, browsing history, and other services (including access logs, IP addresses, browser information, browser language settings, etc.)
  4. Other information
    Information about inquiries, contacts, etc. to us

3. Purpose

We will use the personal information of the related personal within the scope of the following purposes (hereinafter referred to as "this purpose").

  1. About customers
    1. Registration for services, identification and authentication of the person, customer management
    2. Delivery of products, providing services, after -sales service
    3. Requests and settlement of products and services, payment, creditworthiness, debt collection
    4. Prevention and response of misconduct, etc.
    5. Service maintenance and management
    6. Investigation and analysis of marketing data, examination and implementation of marketing measures
    7. Providing, solicitation, advertising and other marketing of our or third -party products and services
    8. Campaign, sweepstakes planning, and questionnaire
    9. Improvement of products and services, planning, research and development of new products, services, etc.
    10. Inquiries and contact to customers
    11. Provision to third parties by the method described in this policy
  2. About recruitment applicants
    1. Evaluation of the qualified applicant and other selection procedures
    2. Analysis, examination and improvement of recruitment activities
    3. Inquiries and recruitment applicants
    4. Management after joining the company
    5. Provision to third parties by the method described in this policy

4. Provided by third parties

  1. Except in the following cases, we will not provide personal data handled by the Company to third parties without obtaining the consent of the related individuals in advance.
    1. When based on laws and regulations
    2. When it is necessary to protect human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of related individuals.
    3. When it is necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, it is difficult to obtain the consent of related individuals.
    4. It is necessary for those who are in the national organization, local governments, or their consignment in the case of associating the administrative work specified by law, and hinder the execution of the office by obtaining the consent of the related individuals. When there is a risk
    5. When providing to the outsourcing destination (including re -consigned pords) within the range necessary for achieving this purpose
    6. When providing with the succession of other businesses, such as merger
    7. In the case of joint use
    8. Other cases of laws and regulations
  2. The Company may provide personal data for the next foreigner in the next foreign country. Personal data may be outsourced to foreign contractors below. In this case, we may start outsourcing to new contractors without obtaining the consent of the related individuals again.
    1. united states of america
    2. People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan
    3. South Korea
    Please check the information provided by the Personal Information Protection Committee for the personal information protection system of each country.
  3. When we provide personal information to foreigners in foreign countries who are taking measures equivalent to measures that the personal information handling business operators should be taken based on the Personal Information Protection Law, the Company based on the relevant measures. We are taking necessary measures to secure continuous implementation. For details on the measures, please contact the "9. Inquiry window".

5. Joint use

As described below, we will share the personal data handled by the Company.

  1. Joint use personal data items
    Information described in "2. Acquisition of personal information"
  2. Purpose of using personal data to be used
    Purpose of use
  3. Range of joint user
    Our group company (our company or its parent company, or these subsidiaries or affiliates are the following, and the current joint users are as follows.
    1. ・ Spiral Cute Co., Ltd.
    2. ・ Talking Heads Co., Ltd.
    3. ・ Parade Co., Ltd.
    4. ・ Kay Point Co., Ltd.
  4. Common use manager
    As described in "1. Business information".

6. Safety management measures

We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leak, loss or damage of the personal information handled, and to manage other personal information. Please contact the "9. Inquiry window" for the safety management measures you take.

7. Disclosure request

We are requesting disclosure, etc. as specified below (notification of purpose of use, disclosure of personal information or third -party provision records, correction / additional / deletion, suspension of use, and suspension of third -party provision. )

  1. Disclosure of notification for use or personal information or third -party provision records
    Related individuals will request notifications for the purpose of use or disclosure of personal information or third -party provision records within the procedures specified in (4) below. can do. However, if you fall under any of the following items, we may not disclose it.
    1. If disclosure may harm the life, body, property, and other rights of the third party
    2. When disclosure may cause significant problems with the proper implementation of our business
    3. When disclosure is a violation of laws and regulations
    4. If it is not possible to confirm that the disclosure request is from the person
    If you are requested to notify the purpose of use or the disclosure of a personal information or a third -party provision record, the disclosure fee specified in (4) will be charged.
  2. Correction / addition / deletion
    Related individuals can request corrections, additions, and deletion of personal information according to the procedures specified in (4) below. In that case, the Company shall conduct a survey without delay within the range necessary for achieving the purpose of use, and will correct, add, and delete the personal information within the range permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law. 。
  3. Suspension of use or suspension of third party provision
    Related individuals may request suspension of use of personal information or suspend a third party in accordance with the procedures specified in (4) below. In that case, we will respond appropriately according to the Personal Information Protection Law.
  4. procedure
    In the case of a request for disclosure, etc., when requesting disclosure, etc., entry the prescribed items in the prescribed invoice (below), enclose the identity verification documents (list below), and specify the destination specified by the Company. Please mail it to the following). In addition, for the purpose of use and the disclosure of personal information or a record provided by a third party, a fee of 1,000 yen per claim will be charged. Please transfer to the transfer destination on the invoice. In the case of non -disclosure and non -notifications for the purpose of use, a prescribed fee will be charged.
    1. A billing
      For the format of the invoice, please contact the "9. Inquiry window".
    2. B.
      (A) Related In case of claim by individuals
      ・ Related individual identity verification documents (personal number card (surface), driver's license, health insurance insured card, copy of passport (either one))
      (B) In the case of a request by an arbitrary agent
      In addition to the documents described in the above "In the case of requests by the related individual", the following documents
      ·power of attorney
      ・ Violation identity verification documents (personal number card (surface), driver's license, health insurance insured card, copy of passport (either one))
      (C) In the case of a claim by the legal agent
      In addition to the documents described in the above "In the case of requests by the related individual", the following documents
      ・ Documents that can confirm the existence of statutory agent rights (a copy of the family register or the adult guardianship clause certificate)
      ・ Statatular agent's identity verification documents (personal number card (surface), driver's license, health insurance insured person, or copy of passport (either one))
    3. C.
      1-6-11 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo New River Tower 7th floor
      Gray Parker Service Personal Information Disclosure Request window

8. Handling of cookies

The Company's website uses similar technologies for cookies and other tracking or analysis (hereinafter referred to as "cookie") to provide services properly to related individuals. 。

  1. About cookie
    Cookies are exchanged between web servers and Internet browsing software (browser) when browsing the website, and stored on your terminal. By using this, you may get attribute information that cannot be identified by individuals, such as browsing history, service use history, location information, etc. Related individuals can display the browser settings in advance that they are using cookies, disable cookies, and delete saved cookies. Please note that if you refuse to use cookies or delete cookies, the functions that can be used on the website may be limited.
  2. About Google Analytics
    We use Google Analytics provided by Google. The Company may collect and analyze related individual browsing history based on cookies set by Google or Google, and may understand and use the usage status. Regarding the handling of data in Google Analytics by Google, the company's website () confirm.

9. Inquiry window

Please contact the following window for your comments, questions, complaints, and other inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.
・ Inquiries by mail: 1-6-11 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo New River Tower 7th floor
・ Inquiries by online: Our website "Contact form

Created in July 2024