Sales Headquarters/Headquarters Manager Joined in 2018 Y.T
Web and real salesBecause it is closely linkedYou need to see the overall flow.
- Q Why did you choose this job?
My previous job was for a company that planned, manufactured and sold hobby products. I was approached by a representative who I had been with through my work, and I was attracted to the representative's personality, so I switched to our company.
- Q What's the fun part of your work?
The numbers are clearly visible for both sales and web stores, so the sense of accomplishment towards your goals is rewarding.
- Q What is the appeal of the company?
Our company is characterized by a close link between web and real-life sales, so you need to see both while grasping the overall flow. I think that many other companies are in charge of this in some way, but our company has a large discretion and each person controls it based on analysis results and experience.
You will be able to acquire the ability to respond and multitasking skills.