Sales Headquarters / Director Joined the company in 2018 Y.T

Web and real salesBecause it links closelyYou need to see the whole flow.

Q Why did you choose this job?

My previous job was working for a company that works on hobby products, manufacturing and selling. I asked the representatives who had been associated through their work and turned to our company because they were attracted to the representative's personality.

Q What is the fun of work?

Both sales and web stores clearly appear, so the sense of accomplishment on the goals is rewarding.

Q What is the appeal of the company?

The Company is characterized by the closely linked web and real sales, and it is necessary to grasp the whole flow while looking at both. I think that there are many patterns in charge of other companies, but we have a large discretionary right and each person is controlled based on analysis results and experience.
You can acquire the ability to respond to multitasking.