Planning Headquarters/Headquarters Director Joined in 2016 T.T

Be firm in response to evaluationThe charm of return.I have the guts to work hardI want to seek people.

Q What is the appeal of the department?

The planning department has the freedom to proceed at its own discretion, without having to go through the meeting, as long as there is a reason for it to sell. It is an environment where you can learn to see evidence-based things.

Q What kind of people can be successful?

Numbers such as initial sales, inventory, sales, etc. of the products released, as well as ideas for increasing the numbers, can be seen as evaluation targets. The appeal of this is that your salary increases significantly in response to your evaluation, so I would like to look for someone with a strong attitude who can honestly say, "I love money!" and who will do their best.

Q Are there any attractive benefits?

We support the expenses required for input, and acceptance fees for museums, concerts, films, etc. are accepted as expenses. We use the output we see and feel in our work.