Planning Headquarters Fancy Product Development Division 1/Section Chief Joined in 2021 Y.N
You will want itI learned that planning is important.Now I can become independent and come up with ideasI think I've gained the skills too.
- Q Can I improve my skills?
After working as a planning designer for jewelry and glasses, he changed jobs to our company. This was my first time planning miscellaneous goods, but through my work I gained a wide range of knowledge, from materials to manufacturing processes, and now I sometimes make proposals in terms of materials and construction.
- Q What exactly is the appeal of a workplace?
It was memorable that a certain person advised me that "character goods are a snack for life." That's why I learned that it's important to have a project that will make you want. I think I now have the skills to become independent and come up with ideas.
- Q Please tell us about the company culture.
The work environment is so good that we've been to each other's house to play with each other, and it's easy to talk to. The company culture also allows you to realize your own desire to "I want this!" I have actually tried many new product items that I have never seen before.